Station Info Location
City: Torino
Latitude: 45d 03' 28" N
Longitude: 07d 39' 24" E
Alt. (slm): 250
1st data: 2023-06-20
Last data: 2024-10-21
System Type: PLC Vaisala CL61
Reference Institution: Politec. Torino
Current Weather Level 1.0 Data
Condition: Clouds
Temp: 15°C
Wind: 1m/s 140°
Press: 1028hPa
Hum. Rel.: 90%
Visibility: 10km
Cloudiness: 75%

These plot are derived from polarization sensitive PLC (Vaisala CL61) and show the daily evolution (x axis: from 0.00 to 24.00 UTC Time) of the aerosol and clouds vertical profiles in terms of attenuated backscatter (TOP panel) and depolarization (BOTTOM panel).

Pick a date to view profile:

Looking for data...
  • 2024-10-21
  • 2024-10-20
  • 2024-10-19
  • 2024-10-18
  • 2024-10-17

We are currently processing level 2.0 profile, data we will be available soon.
Please contact us to keep up to date.
